With all the projects we take on, we strive to uphold the highest standards of ethical practice throughout all aspects of the project. We have certain formal guidelines set in place to ensure that our clients are receiving the appropriate service they come to expect from ChiuGroup.
First and foremost, we treat all client information, whether private, secure, or proprietary privileged knowledge, as entirely and completely confidential. No information of any kind, in any way, is shared with anyone other than ChiuGroup staff directly involved in the project. In addition, unless otherwise stated, all material produced by ChiuGroup for the client remains the sole property of the client. ChiuGroup will, in no way, use the same design or material in the same exact way for another client to ensure protection of branding and market image for all our clients.
ChiuGroup normally includes
the project performed for
our clients, in whole or in
part, and basic client
information and logo and/or
any publicly available
graphic representation of
the client in ChiuGroup’s
portfolios and/or case
studies unless otherwise
expressly informed in
writing of the client’s
desire to not be included in
ChiuGroup’s portfolios
and/or case studies.
ChiuGroup will not
include any proprietary or
confidential information not
intended for public release
contained in the project,
and will make all reasonable
attempts to redact such
information prior to posting
the project.
ChiuGroup consultants also agree to keep the client updated of all progress as they occur at all times. If a certain milestone is promised, it will be delivered on the agreed-upon date under the agreed-upon conditions. If this is not possible for any reason, the senior consultant on the project will notify the client at the earliest convenience of both parties.
ChiuGroup also has policies concerning working with clients with whom current clients are not comfortable. If a current client with ChiuGroup expresses an issue with ChiuGroup working with a specific new client, ChiuGroup will explain such issue to the new client and will try to accommodate the current client as much as possible. In these discussions, ChiuGroup will not take into account the services the current client is requesting or any monetary value related to such services. The discussions will be based solely on the individual clients' level of comfort in having ChiuGroup work with the other party.
Other ethical standards are also established to ensure an efficient and effective consulting relationship. These standards are explained in-depth to all clients during the initial consultation so that all clients and consultants are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities throughout the project.